Unstalled Part 2: The myth of that one last thing – EXCEPT when there is one last thing…

Unstalled Part 2: The myth of that one last thing – EXCEPT when there is one last thing…

Turns out I had one more thing to do. I built a sound booth.

On the occasions I wasn’t in a studio, I’d had been using (intermittently) a janky set up in a spare bedroom clothes closet. Not ideal – the sound was OK, but the setting was uninspiring. Preparing to read Wake-Robin I wrestled with the decision to squeeze into the space to read for an unknown number of days.

After some hemming and hawing, I asked the family and they agreed – particularly my two teenagers, it would be pretty cool to have our own sound booth and recording studio. Six month’s later, we’re all set.

If I never have to hang a slab door again, I’ll be happy.

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